#SquirrelJME: I implemented profiling in SummerCoat so I can profile the bootloader (includes system calls). The times seem to very much be better than SpringCoat so far. The 65 second method is actually the lazy ROM initialization when no ROM is used (is compiled at runtime). https://t.co/0H5h0LQpnx
#SqueakSquad 🐁 🐀 🐿️
#SquirrelJME: Made it so the loading screen appears sooner, but in only a basic format. Once the splash screen is loaded, it will then use that one. This way it still displays the copyright info and is more responsive when loading is completed. https://t.co/8W4GMPvjsf
#SquirrelJME: Added the Sponsor button to the GitHub, do you can easily find how to help me out! https://t.co/QI5YTXJKKB
#SquirrelJME: When reading from memory, the best thing to do is to actually store the value you are reading into a variable somewhere! Took me like a day digging around into C code. https://t.co/U6sU0HBhwe
Pixel art commission drawn by https://twitter.com/FlutterSprite !
When I saw the opportunity for Game Boy Color-esque commissions I knew I had to try and have Nova drawn in that style because she's already intentionally designed to work with few colors.
#SquirrelJME: The interesting thing is that SquirrelJME is a JVM, but it runs all the JVM logic in Java which runs within its own JVM. Lots of the glueing is done by the byte code compiler. The stuff on the outside is just a basic CPU with memory access. So this is very like C.
Moved to @XerShadowTail , please follow me there instead!