Hey Awoo + friends, i really need some help. Im very suddenly out of a job, struggling to find a new one/make money, and am halfway through a really important part of my transition.
I have AWFUL species dysphoria that causes enough distress that Im in therapy for it, and getting paw tattoos on my feet has been a huge step in relieving that. In order to afford the other half of my tattoo I need at least $150 to cushion the $300 cost. Paypal donations to chris@sgreig.com are honestly appreciated.
@starkatt I just read this out loud to @neonNeptunian and he just said "Yes, you rang?" :D
@xurnami Aww, sorry to hear it. *offers hugs*
@Oneironott IT WAS. I even remember the feeling of being comfy running around on all fours and it was great. :D
@theoutrider Also this site is awesome and I love it and thank you. :D
But don't forget its predecessor, Microgramma, which may've been used MORE for similar purposes:
I love that style of font. c.c;
@indi it's not super set in stone, but it sounds like, yeah. folks you feel extra good about, even if it's not necessarily a crush or desire for a relationship.
@makyo I hope I am using the term correctly. ^.^
I have had a dramatic increase in lovely cuddling and makeouts and such lately in my life. I think I may need to add a @makyo style "squish zone" to my polycule map. ;)
MH (~/?)
I acknowledge that 'all of the above' is a good answer. ;) (also maybe that's what number 3 means already. ;))
@starkatt Twinkish rave toyboi
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜