i've often been able to successfully explain Sonas, fur or otherwise, to people outside of the (generally queer/furry) culture with:
The (mental) image of yourself that makes your heart feel Smile the most.
if you like being represented by yourself! tadah! that's your sona! it's you!
if you wanna be a large sparkly space robot/AI who protects newly-formed planets from space debris, tadah! that's your sona! that's you!
it's a way of putting it in a perspective of self-enjoyment/fulfillment/love for people who Just Don't Get It on first contact.
Unless you have a very good reason not to, or are publicly known anyway, there is really no need for you to use your real name or photo online.
Back in the 90s when i first discovered the internet, this was common knowledge. Nobody used their real name on forums or share personal information without considering the consequences. Those few who did were promptly told that's a bad idea.
It seems somehow we unlearned this, right when corporations started monetizing that information.
i try to take relationships day by day. not everything is forever, and there's always the urge to wonder about tomorrow and whether or not things will Always Be There and Good.
however, i've found that it is best to just appreciate every day for its own sake and not worry too much for one's future with others.
enjoy the moments while they're being made, before they become memories.
I've added some cute new pride flag stickers to my redbubble shop! These would make great decoration for a lgbt-friendly coffee shop, or a gift to show your queer friends you love them... a latte! ☕ #mastoart
An ace leafy seadragon tooting about.
Retoots lots of dumb stuff.
Interactions welcome.
Pronouns: they/he.
🔞💦🐉: @lewdnoodle