Hot Take, Politics and Religion Edition
@literorrery Oof. I take issue with that one. Not every christian or atheist is a terrible person, but there are a hell of a lot of examples of how communism was really really bad in many countries.
Hot Take, Politics and Religion Edition
@zetasyanthis I stand by my assertion. Not every communist is a terrible person, either, and communism is no more inherently doomed to fail than any other political system. The democratic republic is equally open to fail states -- we're living in one now -- but I don't hear people saying "democratic republics are a failure" because of it.
Although a lot of millennials are starting to say that of democratic republics....
Hot Take, Politics and Religion Edition
@zetasyanthis Free Christiana, Denmark, is still going strong. Shinmin, Manchuria, was going fine up until the Japanese invaded from one side and the Chinese from the other after a series of local leaders were assassinated. Can't blame its failure on the political system itself.
Hot Take, Politics and Religion Edition
@zetasyanthis Okay, hold up a sec: what do you think I'm saying when I say "communist"?