Today's bad idea: open a business called Bitcoin Bakery. Sell bread via the internet, 1 BTC a loaf. Accept only BTC and post a mission statement saying that, as a reserve currency, bitcoin holds no value whatsoever on its own. Therefore, this site exists to let people buy something material with their bitcoin. Liquidate all BTC upon purchase. Bake bread.
@DialMforMara Nope! It's just a good loaf of bread. Mostly it's there to tell people who believe in Bitcoin that they're really just the latest form of gold rus speculators and not all that libertarian.
@literorrery @DialMforMara Doesn't all currency lack intrinsic value though? It's only worth what someone is willing to give you for it.
1USD = 1 hamburger, or 1USD = 2 Forever Stamps, but I can't take a hamburger in to the post office to buy stamps.
@snipejaeg @DialMforMara Okay, so, insofar as currency is an arbitrary value store, value is subjective, the price of all goods are arbitrary, anything _could_ be used as currency if people agree to use it as a value store, and exchange rates normalize to reflect relative spending power of currencies across a range of economic systems, you are correct, yes. All currencies lack intrinsic value. You're very perceptive.
@literorrery @DialMforMara why is bitcoin any better or worse and needing to be singled out to teach people it holds no value on its own? is my confusion
@snipejaeg @DialMforMara
Short form: Bitcoin -- most cryptocurrencies, to be sure, but BTC's the biggest adopter and thus the biggest taret -- is doing more harm than good between the currency speculation and the total power consumption being wasted on bitflipping.
@literorrery for the record i fully support the idea of, effectively, $13000 bread that also takes a jab at btc enthusiasts
@typhlosion @literorrery ah the assured stability of an exponential curve - I'm sure that will continue until infinity.
@Fuego @typhlosion DOW 36000!
@literorrery ...
I am reminded of something Berke Breathed's art teacher said to him once, on the occasion of his turning in a well'-rendered illustration of a spacesuit with a mouthful of red tempra paint splotched where the helmet had been opened.
IIRC, she said something like
"This is horrible. You're going to be rich."
Good buni. n.n
@literorrery *snerk* A quick image search later, and said art isfound to be (uncredited) the trope namer for Explosive Decompression on That Other Site. Hee.
@literorrery you'd better have gold flakes baked into that bread