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I found every yellow bag in Mirror's Edge! It doesn't unlock anything, it doesn't even show the sum anywhere after you collected the laast one, but it was still fun


comparison shot

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if the namco guncon is so good why… oh

thanks, Apple, I didn't wanna listen to music anyways

Quinton "not sponsored by McDonald's" Reviews

pro tip: if you wanna censor a QR code, blur the whole thing, they have quite a bit of error correction

caff, sugary drink 


the old one does basically the same thing the new one does (glow red and stay that way for a bit after I stopped) but LED tech has come a long way in the meantime

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I don't think that's right, Google

I always get a kick out of phones coming with PDF and Office software, being able to open "real computer" files used to be such a premium feature

also look at that Adobe splash screen 👌

GTA IV's deformation engine is amazing

here's the same scene in the PC version… the UI is the same, so it's probably not a port of the Android version, and the PC version isn't pretty either but seems like they forgot to lock settings to high instead of low? this isn't a resource-intensive game, I originally played it on a tablet from 2012

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why does Guardian of Light on Stadia look worse than on my first-gen iPad mini

yeah, that's definitely a success. Also Powercolor knew what they were doing with this cooler

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