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jet lag Schengen ep1 spoiler 

ah yes Pilsen the famous German city

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don't buy this style, they literally crack under the force of the spring contacts

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this feels retrofuturistic somehow

Porter Robinson @ Live Music Hall

underscores @ Live Music Hall

realized I never properly watched these so I got the Blurays off ebay

every time I'm in Duisburg I have to photograph the new roof

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mozilla, xkcd edit 


okay I think that should be everything off my pi 4 onto my truenas machine :>

mfw when an urban area that has a name, defined boundaries, and local government, and that is generally larger than a village and smaller than a city is within me

re: depol 

we love to see it

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I don't ask for much but

FISH FEAR ME mild spoiler, caps 


unfortunately I'm a bit low on funds but FOUR SHARKS IS POSSIBLE

spoiler for FISH FEAR ME 


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food, vegetarian 

made spinach-filled pancakes :>

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