@jollysea you can chromecast without leaving the app open
smdh, swatch internet time will be removed from Home Assistant :(
re: first impressions about This Is How You Lose the Time War
@codl I don't think they're supposed to be distinct in style
@pierogiburo and you call them steamapps despite the fact they're obviously games?
@endocrimes ah, I didn't know if it told you when you activate it, maybe it'll work for you
@endocrimes can't you just switch with the button in control center?
@Nine see this is why libreoffice should be in systemd
I am confident that erincandescent @ erincandescent.net is erincandescent @ queer.af
but now seems like a good time to remind everyone that impersonation is easy on here, and that this would have been the perfect time for someone with bad intentions to set up erincandescent @ big-instance.tld, tell everyone that they can migrate by going to the temporary domain queer.af.evil.example, which they could set up to proxy to the real queer.af server so everything looks legitimate, and collect passwords and email addresses from everyone rushing to log in and migrate ASAP
hab jetzt wohl alle Hardwarevarianten von der Vodafone-Box durch, ich denke die Fritzbox ist meine beste Alternative
@stringlapse internet works again, I added you!
der Greenforce vegane Leberkäse ist echt lecker (leider auch was teuer), hab mir gerade ein paar Stücke etwas angebraten und in mein Ramen getan :>
@monorail oh, I didn't know that one
@elilla I wouldn't expect one
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk