@Catriona all the time, it's pretty convenient on macos
@Okesska sure, I'm faster on a full-size physical keyboard (dunno if at this point I'd be faster on a phone qwerty) but I being able to switch to swiping when I only have one hand free (or tts when I have none) is wprth a lot
@Okesska I've this reply without point at the screen
that was supposed to mean "I've input this reply without looking at the screen"
honestly I'm surprised how little I seem to be looking at the keyboard while typing, I've had this phone for a while and I don't think I could handle one without gboard
@Siph witch hazel (classic) https://witchhazel.thea.codes/
@LLS there's a bunch https://duckduckgo.com/?q=fediverse+map
@fairydoctor420 iMovie works great for most things tbh
@jedie 45-60 Minuten? bei mir hat der Zahnarzt schon öfter mit verschiedenem Gerät rumgeputzt (glaube die Techniker übernimmt das teilweise?) aber keine Ahnung was der da für ne Dreiviertel Stunde hätte tun sollen
@pup_hime I don't get why Mediamarkt doesn't have cheap cables, that's the #1 thing I'm looking for at short notice and then they got me in the store looking at other stuff
Ursprünglich hat mir @dogo dieses wundervolle Bild zum 20. Geburtstag von Windows XP gezeichnet. Heute möchte ich es nochmals zeigen, denn es jährt sich zum zehnten Mal das EOL-Datum dieses Betriebssystems. War eine lustige Zeit... :D
@NoraReed you can also use a pinhole or binoculars to project the sun onto a piece of paper, you can get a very sharp image that way
@cinnamon just install it yourself?
@cinnamon I like snow
@archenoth the translucent petg really is a winner
Trimming the Herbs has been beaten https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7yvVJbji0U
@NafiTheBear oh, I'm very aware
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk