@murz this is basically same machine
@murz yea
@murz like, Action Retro had one, I just can't find it
@murz I actually can't find any doom executable that'll run on it
it only stays on reliably when the power button is pressed so I did the only logical thing
@dogo just picked it up for 15€ (too much money) with some random accessories and a bag on a flea market
battery is a spicy pillow but otherwise it's pretty alright
Ich sehe viele Fotos von aufgefalteten (noch nicht angekreuzten) Wahlzetteln in Wahlkabinen in meinem Stream. Ihr wisst hoffentlich, dass gemäß Europawahlordnung §49(2) das Fotografieren in der Wahlkabine verboten ist: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/euwo_1988/__49.html
@ghorwood use transactions!
@JennyFluff hmmm nope still broken
maybe sending an image just stalls it?
@JennyFluff restarting ate all my messages but it seems to send now
@suricrasia dry crackers too but I'd be worried about breakage there
@suricrasia I'm sure there's like, backpacking food bars that'll last that long, or just regular cereal bars tbh
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk