@unascribed shopify has started to show shipping rates before requiring an email address but before that my email was often @example.com
@noracodes understandable
@noracodes didn't need the new features and 98 ran faster on his hardware? dos games?
@noracodes my first ever own computer was an old WinME box :3 I was older than 6 but also XP was already out at the time. I even could've installed it if I'd known (and upgraded the ram from 128 megs)
@noracodes did your dad run unreleased prototype sofware from microsoft? :P
@noracodes sweet plasma theme
@halcy ngl that's a cute design
@monorail ppl also hated the glory kills and then they played it and they worked great with the combat system
releasing a demo was a great move at least
@codl …to print something other than 3D printing parts
@zima that's how it always worked
@luna reminds me of the fact that Oglaf has done "parasite that imitates breasts" before
@suricrasia the K-On! complete music collection or rhythm game work very well for me
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk