re: reminiscing on a Twitter feature
@chirpbirb that was all Twitter was at launch, the web client was a bonus
ofc it's sold out everywhere unless you wanna pay scalper prices… I just wanted a cool-looking controller
like how long has this been on the "PAL" article, it makes no sense, makes unsourced (false) claims and doesn't fit in the flow of the article
@1337core google play books
@jn I'm glad they worked on the wording
@NafiTheBear I'm not serious
when I have to take out the cohost logo it'll look so blue :/ I might have to host my cohost archive just to avoid that
Now you may be reading this and thinking— yes, they're artifacts, but are they really bizarre? Why is she making such a big deal? Are these really any stranger than any other old video game cartridge?
Yes! Because each of these carts is a tiny *computer*! That's how the Cassette Vision worked! The "console" is basically just a bridge from the cart to the TV (and the controls). There's a whole ass CPU inside each of these carts and *that's* what the game runs on!
They came!!! I thought they wouldn't arrive until I'd left the country but my Cassette Vision games came! (This happened yesterday but instead of posting about it I decided to sleep.) I'll get a chance to test the unit before I leave!
Look at these bizarre artifacts! Look at these fakeass looking screenshots (they're real). Look how many of the cartridge pins aren't even hooked up (I assume these are the paddles, not used in this game). The world is so full of strange and beautiful things
this is mostly to keep up with ppl tbh, I don't expect to be posting there much. I'll probably add the rss feed to too
I folded and made a bluesky at
@bonzoesc I have a 3D printer already and I'm not getting a 2D printer if I can help it
re: nsfw pun
@la orrr das ist einer für die Wortwitzkasse
~ admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk