@clarfonthey haven't xboxes always been kind of just a pc? everyone else doing it now is the new thing
@spacekookie ah dangit someone beat me to it
@spacekookie youtube jorts
@clarfonthey now that I think of it, getting a wire to glow white without immediately combusting isn't that easy either so I think it balances out
I wonder where arc lamps fit in this, they're kind of the "fuck it we ball" of lighting technologies
@clarfonthey pretty sure LEDs, being semiconductors, are also quite finicky
@ChocoMintPuppy took apple 18 versions to add a calculator to the iPad, huh
@halcy aw heck that's a very reasonable price for a big plushie…
@pup_hime mastering the scrum obvs
@hellomiakoda that or it's the motor noise
@hellomiakoda they make noise so pedestrians can hear them, since the motors are pretty quiet. It's required by law
oh shit youtube recommended me something very cool (someone playing music on 5 DSes using electroplankton) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-xQbBsUeDI
@jn you should automate that using PowerAutomate
@Okesska the third party group is still getting paid by the company and would like to keep it that way
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk