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TIL This prototype from exists

And I think I really need it

Maybe not to buy, but might be a good #HardwareHacking project with my old Thinkpads

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money ask, no work during the holiday 

hey y'all my partner got fuck all hours to work during the break (worked no days during christmas week and one day during new year week) so it's half way through the month and collectively we have $44 until he gets paid at the end of the month.

If you could chuck me like $10 that'd be rad cause we can use that money to buy bulk grains, dried beans, and lentils

my venmo is cyborgneticz
my paypal is

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I think more people should release their absolutely horrible source code and in the spirit of this I am currently preparing a release of all SVatG demos source code

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the worst part is getting through and landing on the wrong side of the divider

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oh wait are the trinkets records/CDs?

the gdq audience is half touhous right now isn't it

there's a lot of things that I find weird about the US but their insistence on using paper checks is probably the one I least understand

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begpost, help disabled trans cuties 

Hey folks, I'm sorry to do this (again) but Rune and I are really in a bind. Their wages are barely enough for us to get by on anyway, but with those cut due to illness, our massive pile of debt and us both being really ill over the past couple of weeks and having to rely on convenience food a lot, we're totally broke.

I know it's a tight month, but if you can throw us some change to cover food and whatnot, we'd really appreciate it.

I wish the masto hashtag autocomplete was a bit smarter and prioritized tags people actually use

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