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hopefully they don't change how XP works because I just spent two weeks not talking to the taskmaster mammet for this lol

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we cleared but I also fell off a hundred times so

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okay, Sophia seems to be a lot less complex than Rubicante
(watch me fall off the arena ten thousand times)

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oh right I forgot raid guides make me wanna stop playing the game because I can't retain that much info at once

re: totk spoiler 

holy shit I actually made it to the tower I wanted to reach

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re: totk spoiler 

it's less of an express and more of a sightseeing tour but it's still very cool

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totk spoiler 

taking the dragon express

there even used to be ones with swappable wheels for different fonts

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I got a vintage label maker and wow, they really don't make them like they used to (the top sample is from a modern one for comparison)

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going to the store, anyone want anything

"Orcas have sunk three boats in Europe" has no one read The Swarm?

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Hey folks. Everyone--EVERYONE--can get got by a scammer at some point.

When we blame folks who get socially engineered for their carelessness or lack of vigilance, we're making it less likely that people will self-report when they got got, and perpetuating the myth that all we need is vigilance to avoid scams.

The narrative that only fools get scammed helps scammers. Don't fall for it.

alc, food 

full of nachos n beer :)

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mutual aid needed 

Hey, I'm a disabled queer person who has suffered domestic abuse and as a result, I'm not able to work as much as I'd like.

I've been making pretty significant strides with professional help, but I'm not where I need to be yet. Things have been really hard for the past month where i've been struggling with my antidepressant medication and am currently in between changing them. Work has been extremely slow, every day is a struggle and I don't expect things to get better quickly enough to be able to fix the following quickly enough:

- Paying the bills (£400) before they're due later this month

- Fixing a hole in my partner's balance sheet from a previous month where I couldn't pay the bills and they made up for it. (£400)

Thanks to donations and commissions, I've been able to pay £150/£800 for these things, but I still need more to stay afloat.

If you can donate, I have a donation link below:

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shork boosted

reminder that overflow: squish is a real part of browsers (text-combine-upright / 縦中横 / 直書橫向)

one of these domains will immediately download dangerous software to your computer, the other is probably a phishing scam

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