I just crashed Apple Music trying to put the Oppenheimer and Barbie albums into the same playlist 👍
it's also weird that windows in game mode still can't be larger than the SD screen or the mouse won't reach every part of them…
you need to modify the game files to get it to go away??? why is there no command line option
From now on, updates primarily intended for app developers and server operators will be posted on 👉 @MastodonEngineering. That's where you'll hear when a new version of the server software is out! 🐘
the Barbie movie has a simple point but it's fun as heck and I'm honestly surprised with how little they stroke the brand ego and still got away with it. Big fan of the song and dance numbers
@below Wrong. It imples the existence of Basel Kitchen Bahnhof, Basel Garage Bahnhof, Basel Living Room Bahnhof, etc.
Links seht ihr einen Zweitakter Aussenborder, in der Mitte nen elektrischen und rechts einen Viertakter.
Ach und darunter koennt ihr sehen wie das Wasser ausschaut, wenn die 15 mins laufen.
#Nachhaltigkeit heisst auch, dass wir die #Antriebswende auf alle Sektoren ausweiten muessen.
P.S. Elektromobilitaet auf der Strasse und dann noch Langstrecke, das habe ich hier 👉 https://www.metacheles.de/p/emobility-1000-km-mit-dem-skoda-enyaq#details getestet
also I learnt today that MathML support in browsers is ancient, like Firefox Four ancient
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk