I've received my first sample from the commercial run of Glasgow Interface Explorer https://glasgow-embedded.org for evaluation
it is *beyond excellent*. it exceeds any standard I could possibly have for it. the team (1bitSquared and everyone else who collaborated) working on it deserves the highest praise
zum #erdüberlastungstag empfehle ich: https://play.half.earth/
does anyone have a broken Nintendo DSi or DSi XL lying around? (preferably in Europe for shipping reasons)
I need a few more consoles to do the following:
* sand/polish down each layer of the PCB and image them
* document all the testpoints on the DSi XL PCB (which are, unlike the regular DSi's, not properly labeled)
* document the last few remaining unknown pins of the CPU-TWL SoC
this is of course destructive, so that's why I don't want to do this with still-working consoles
Alle die heute in die #Ausbildung starten:
- Ignoriert "Lehrjahre sind keine Herrenjahre.“
- Organisiert euch in einer Gewerkschaft.
- Lest eure Rahmenpläne und achtet darauf, dass ihr die Inhalte mit nehmt.
- Ihr habt ein Recht auf gute Ausbildung.
- Ihr werdet an einigen Tagen Mist bauen.
- Meldet Misststände der zuständigen Hwk/Ihk.
- Es ist keine Schande zu realisieren, dass es doch nicht euer Ding ist.
Das wichtigste:
Ihr schafft das! 💪🏻
having long-form text in 20+ posts is one of the worst Twitter "features" we imported, the posts are just longer
Okay it's fixed now so I guess I can tell you what this was
For about a week there, after introducing the new link preview layout last Sunday, Mastodon.social had *no limit* on the length of an OpenGraph article title. To test this, I crafted an otherwise blank HTML page whose OpenGraph title was the complete text of the Communist Manifesto. Anytime this page was linked in a mastodon.social timeline, it resulted in a preview with a 6,000 line title. This is how long it took to scroll through:
Bonsai Dragon and Minty Dragon. The plant dragon buddies! 🌱🐉
Get them here!
Beringt / markiert eure Plushies, wenn ihr sie auf Veranstaltungen mitnehmt, wie z.B. das #cccamp23 oder die #mrmcd Dann finden sie im Falle eines Falles hoffentlich leichter wieder den Weg zu euch.
Eine Idee: Freundschaftsbändchen. Vergleichsweise leicht zu machen, preiswert und kann komplett individualisiert werden. Den Kombinationsmöglichkeiten von Mustern / Farben sind ja quasi keine Grenzen gesetzt.
Es wäre auch denkbar die eigene Eventphone Nummer oder so in so ein Bändchen zu knüpfen.
Dropbox is changing its link format for security reasons, your old links may no longer work and you might have to generate new ones.
Only found this out because a friend mentioned the commission folder refs I've used for years were going to an error message.
If you run into this issue with your/someone else's ref folder, that's probably what's going on and you'll need them to generate you a new link.
Referenced documents:
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk