A decade ago, a tribe of JS partisans took the web by the reins, forked HTML and JS syntax, and yeeted userland abstractions into the critical path because "a better user experience".
This was premised on the idea that everyone's CPUs/networks would get faster the way their top-end phones did.
They could not have been more wrong.
JS-first web development has been a planetary-scale exercise in the rich making life harder for the less well-off.
it started working again sometime through the night… I guess the heat provider had an issue
My son is _furious_ that the servos he’s using in his grade school robotics club project have five degrees of play in their responsiveness and none of his test runs are replicable, and he’s angry that anyone would sell random unreliable junk like this to save a few bucks. I did not expect him to become radicalized by a grade-school engineering extracurricular but I fully approve.
someone's trying to clear DSR before the cloud servers shut down https://www.twitch.tv/jaydeezus
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk