I was looking on thingiverse to see if anyone had designed a cassette tape rewinder model that I could abuse to let me rewind my endless-loop cassette, and I didn't find it, but I DID find an adapter someone made to let you rewind your CDs/DVDs with a pen. Very handy!
ignoring whether or not this campaign is good or useful this has got to be a Hackers reference, right? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_B0riy__rw
wait, Pictomancer is real? #ffxivfanfest
I took my time because how can you not take in the sights? missed one quest unfortunately, but what can you do. Something for a NG+
I'm not sure if I replayed Separate Ways in the PC (fan HD patched, ofc) version yet, I should replay that at some point, I did play it on the Wii though
Asking for help, Money Things
Ich habe heute zum x-ten Mal versucht, dieses iPad 5 zu reparieren (Glas gebrochen, Ersatzteil ist seit Monaten am Start), aber ich bekomme zum verrecken das alte Glas nicht runter & habe tbh gerade einfach zu viel lebenswichtigeren Scheiß um die Ohren, es weiter zu versuchen (und zu wenig Budget, um einfach Geld auf das Problem zu werfen).
Möchte jemand von euch Lieblingshackern mir zufällig eine Freude zum Geburtstag machen und das Problem für mich lösen?
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk