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like holy shit there's so much old tech I don't need at all that I'd buy in a heartbeat if they were cheap

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I'm 100% convinced Gravis has made this videos specifically to call me out

I think it'd help if I had a USB 3 cable but I don't

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in other news Perfect Dark is really good if you can actually see the game

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ughhhh my N64 RGB mod had at least one loose joint so I ended up resoldering/reflowing most of the connections

at least it works now but that was not fun

shork boosted
shork boosted


weird headset hair and Splatfest shirt


weird headset hair and Splatfest shirt

apparently I have Sonic 2 on Steam so that's neat

Since I actually can enable resizable BAR support on my trusty R9 390 now that I have a Zen 3 processor I did some benchmarking on it

new access-ability is good
also apparently other people can see images in their head, who knew

shork boosted

Reminder that today is Splatfest and that there's a Discord server with folks from Masto who are down to play Splatoon :dont_splat_me:

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