okay, at least there was a bite of Scott Pilgrim, Ramona delivers DVDs for Netflix now which is kinda funny, the animation looks sick
oh come on they're showing a second episode of Castlevania before Tomb Raider and Scott Pilgrim? I might get invested and have to pirate that one too
okay other than Castlevania this all looks pretty mid and one of the reveals was literally a mobile Sonic endless runner game
okay yeah making the French aristocracy literal bloodsuckers is pretty good #castlevaniaanime
El Paso, Elsewhere is out! An incredible supernatural shooter inspired by Max Payne. The gameplay is very solid, but it's the presentation that amazes me. It's enthralling. The audio, the music, the voice-over, the visuals, the cutscenes—the way it tells a story—it's fantastic.
PSA for health tracking apps of any kind:
If you have any influence for any fitness app or accessories (watches etc), you don't only need an Athlete Mode , you also need some form of disability mode.
We want to be able to track our health, without being asked to Go further, all the time, without the "whohooo you did 10k steps today, keep going" when we shouldn't take more than 2k/ day. Etc etc
(feel free to leave examples if you're reading this)
Let us turn off any kind of gamification, turn off anything asking us to go further, any ui that's telling us after 1 week that we're gaining or losing weight.
Whoever is able to provide this first? Will get a huge new market share because we'll fucking recommend the shit out of your app!
I very much wish I lived in a world where this post/linked article ("Hydrogen is dead as a fuel for cars") were wrong. But I cannot come up with a single counterpoint.
PS: I am linking someone's mastodon post here, so please do not get weird in their mentions due to me leading you to them!
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk