@Larymir Ganz ehrlich... ich hab schon eine Menge Shit erlebet über die Jahrzehnte, aber ich denke nichts davon passt so gut auf das Wort "frustrierend" wie Nägellackieren. Ich werde nie verstehen, wie irgendwer das schafft ohne die eigene Frustrationsschwelle zu überschreiten.
oh nice, Deadlock now has a Steam page at least https://store.steampowered.com/app/1422450/Deadlock/
god at this point I've spent way too much time fighting Honey B. Lovely 😩 #ffxiv
🌳💚 We just recently revealed our Steam page for our cozy tree-building game! You get random tiles, place them as best you can, open a booster pack, repeat. All the while nature throws shit at you. Such is the life of a tree.
this is surprisingly nice, kind of a Wii U gamepad vibe. quality is decent. unfortunately L2/R2, L3/R3 and the Touchpad are all mapped to the touchscreen/back digitizer
like seriously I bought it for 9,99€ from Gamestop. The update makes the loading screens much faster and less boring (item descriptions instead of just the logo) so it's pretty much required
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk