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Have you had that "Upcoming price change for your Microsoft 365 subscription" email yet? They want to charge you an extra 50%ish for AI features, and they do *not* make it easy to find the way to turn it off. It took me minutes of searching - this is a particularly evil dark pattern.

"Switch plan" just lets you pick between annual and monthly billing. You want "Turn off recurring billing" and then "Current subscription without AI".

You're welcome. Please boost for others.

shout-out to scuttlebug manipulation

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how is the twitch app for Android TV this bad

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I mean who doesn't, it's where you can shop on the Wii Shop channel every wednesday

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okay this is cool af how do you even come up with this

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"NSMB Wii Any% while playing piano" sure

check out my new desk

I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with delivery companies again but apparently not 😩

upside is the color looks so much better in person than on their website, I was worried I wouldn't like it

shork boosted


I haven't seen a GameBoy IRL until 2018. NES was a very viable gaming platform in my locality well into 00s, though a few lucky kids had a SEGA Genesis or (gasp) a PS1. Most kids indeed went to a "computer club"; having a local club and knowing its admin meant your game saves won't be erased between the times you visit the place - using floppies for backups wasn't always allowed due to endless viruses. Fun times. Strange times

finally watched Gravis' new HTPC video and god windows 7 media center sure looks great still. I kinda wanna get a tiny PC and set it up, DLNA should still work but then again I have a PS3 hooked up that does the same thing and looks infinitely cooler doing it

shork boosted

mutual aid urgently needed 

Hey, I'm a domestic abuse survivor who's slowly getting their life together.

I've gradually been finding better opportunities but sometimes things can still be a struggle for me, and I didn't have an easy time of my mental health in December so I'm currently set to not be able to afford rent (£400) in a few days.

Any help would be greatly appreciated:

he was fine, luckily, but god even then that's not a great thing to see

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someone just crossed the tracks on foot and holy shit the db security guys showed up immediately

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I was gonna be like "yeah trains rule but in between you have to spend 20 minutes at Duisburg Hbf" but wow the roof not literally coming down is an improvement (also don't be mad at me I love Duisburg)

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