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That comes with the important disclaimer that I do suffer from anxiety disorder, so I might be reading too much into it.

Global Politics 

I picked up something involving the death of a US traveler who went to NK. I'm willing to guess that it could be the flashpoint of war, and as a result, the reaction could endanger thousands, if not millions and even billions of lives.

An unwise decision made by one person could easily esclate to war, and I do fear tht might happen. So, keep an eye out for any warnings.

I have a carry case for my Amiga 1200! It's really designed for an Amiga 500/+, but it works well for 600/1200 models.

Boost if you constantly suffer from existential dread and nothing you do or say can change the fact that life just keeps getting harder and more unbearable

Favorite if you like clicking the star

Inflation, NSFW thoughts 

I found this. The idea of getting big and bloated is pretty kinky to me. ://3

Side note: 

Also it's just nice to be able to say this far more complete thought over the space of 3 toots than trying to cram it into 9 bite sized tweets. This isn't really relevant to the above, just sorta a nice bonus, lol

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To that end, this is why I think moving towards things like Mastadon and Discord is such a good thing, we find moderated spaces that match our ideals and needs. If we must, we create our own.

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I administer multiple discord servers (though only one of them is all that big), because each one is explicitly about making different types of people feel safe. It's important to recognize and respect that safety. If it isn't compatible with your own, it's important to find your own platform.

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Every safe space is tuned for specific people. Some people's safety is explicitly unsafe for others. That doesn't mean your safety, desires, or needs are inherently bad, but it DOES mean you need to consider your audience and platform.

Okay, this is I realise that I misspelled my username.

Yes! I think I've managed to get the Wifi232! Fully assembled too!

I do have a discord account, if anyone wants to talk to me. :3

On a more cheerful note, I wonder if there are any Furry-friendly BBSes around..I wonder..

capitalism, russia 

It's little wonder why the annoying orange loves Russia so much. This vending machine lets you buy likes for Instagram and russia's version of Facebook, VK:

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