Does anyone have recommended readings on understanding my having a furry identity that clearly runs a lot deeper than it feeling like a costume or surface affectation?
@starkatt Now I'm thinking I should do some writing on this myself. :)
A piece of the answer, I think, is the realization that this sort of stuff arose _out of_ costume/RP fan activity. And it happened multiple times. Independently.
Therians out of alt.horror.werewolves
Psychic vampires out of V:tM
Otherkin out of fantasy novels
Lifestylers out of funny animal fandom.
It's _defined as_ "this feels deeper than fan activity" and it _keeps happening_
@starkatt My best understanding of it is as a subjective experience that is, at least initially, defined negatively. "It feels like there is more here than fan-appreciation for me. Does anyone else feel the same way?" And in each of the above cases, other folks said "Yes" and started building a community out of that. It's intrinsically built on drawing connections between internal/subjective experiences.
@indi @starkatt soooooo many people came to with "I just really like dragons and I can RP a dragon here?" and left with "yeah... I'm a dragon." we didn't have much in the way of philosophical/spiritual discussions (that I remember) out in public... it just sort of happened. repeatedly. XD
@starkatt Well, if you're REALLY bored and desperate, you can check the memories of my old LJ accounts for relevant rants, of which there were many. XD
Someday I might go through and compile a more helpful and precise list of links. :)
@starkatt only trans stuff really :/