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negative Why are any of us here? We make our own meaning. Sometimes that is very difficult given our circumstances.

However, you are highly-valued despite your flawed self-assessment. ;)


My name is Osmanthus, Robot of Robots
Look on my circuits, ye Mighty in disrepair
Nothing unoiled remains, rust and decay
Of that colossal Wreck, bound wires bare
The lone and empty energon fields stretch far away.

@Elizafox And Kraftwerk's Trans-Europe Express will never seem quite the same to me again.

For the better, actually.

Vyruem boosted

@adeptomega Are the showers themselves cautious, or the act of taking one?

@dragonluvr89 Nothing.

A veritable void as a metaphor for the meaning in life; despite your blind, desperate struggle, your efforts are in vain. *nodding sagely*

@Soreth Not sure if happy sounds or if you stepped on a Lego brick.

@murilega It only seems like a lot because of the number of tiny cups you have to use.

Vyruem boosted

Because it's the season, y'know what?

I'm thankful for you. For *you*. Your existence, your sheer weirdness, your wonder and beauty. By being so uniquely you, you make the world a little more different, more novel, more fascinating

Thank you for being here. Thank you for continuing.

Thank you. 💜

@eris The output did take-on increasingly more conventional structure after that. I still enjoy it, but can see the difference.

Would like to hear some outtakes and experimental stuff like on Brap, though.

Vyruem boosted


Thanksgiving is upon us. Many of you are looking upon the day with dread, I know. Please know: you are not alone. You are not the only person who feels alienated when they're around family. You're not the only one who is dealing with judgmental, bigoted, prejudiced relatives.

That is not to attempt to lessen your struggles; they are valid! But you're not alone! You have a whole support network here. Be strong and pull through!

:goblin: 💚 :hacker_u:

turkey day outreach 

Here I am, being an unexpectedly squishy, squeaky, saccharin source of support again. If you are observing the holiday and are needing a break or a vent from the activity--feel free to hit me up, even if we've never directly conversed before.

I'll probably be happy to have the distraction. My Discord is in the profile.

Have a lovely day, all.

@lizardsquid You're right--I just want you to feel okay.

Let's just ✨​hug✨

@lizardsquid It's okay. It comes and goes.

I'd keep this feeling if it meant you'd feel better, though! =D

@lizardsquid I'm experiencing a strange mix of contentment and self-disgust.

You--however--should know better! =)

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