re: frustration with open source "alternatives"
@else idk either but i mildly enjoyed the detour anyway 😄
re: frustration with open source "alternatives"
@else ms word mail merge feature but manual
re: frustration with open source "alternatives"
@else i... might need some clarification for the typewriter metaphor 😅
suggesting an emoji mashup, re: sign language infodump
maybe more like 😏 eyes with 🤪 mouth
re: sign language, infodump, cool linguistic feature
i also started noticing that you can embed a lot of non-words in your sentences -- like if someone asks your what a sign means, and it's some physical thing, then you can make a playful version of the "tongue out, jaw to the side" 🤪 face, and pantomime/draw with your fingers in space/use other signs to mimic a hebrew phrase for the thing
also when explaining what NOT to do/say, or when you're suggesting something semi sarastically(???) you need to make the 🤪 face to signal that! i think i should personally practice that one in front of a mirror to avoid possible misunderstandings 🤪🤪🤪
sign language, infodump, cool linguistic feature
israeli sign (and probably others too) has this....... thing, where sometimes a sentence(?) doesn't quite have a verb and subject and object and all that -- but rather just describes the positions of things in space, using a special set of handshapes that represent different kinds of objects
instead of signing "book my (is)* on table" like you would in a spoken language, you sign "book", then "table", then make a handshape as if you're holding a book (NOT the actual word/sign for "book"! just literally pretend you're PHYSICALLY HOLDING that book), and sort of act out placing your invisible book wherever in space you just signed "table" -- optionally you could also use your off-hand to be the actual table
(* both israeli sign language and spoken/written hebrew don't really use a word like "is" in this case, but english does and this post is in english)
there's no isl word/sign for "cross" as in "physically cross from one side to the other". wanna say how you crossed the road real slow? sign "road" but move your hands along an imaginary road in physical space in front of you. possibly also keep your off-hand/off-arm hanging in space to keep representing that road. then in your main hand make the handshape that looks like your fingers are walking, and move your hand reeeeeaaaal slow over the "road". while you do this physical space theater, make an exhausted face with your tongue out and your jaw slightly to the side
the sign for "traffic" is possibly lexicalized by now, but it is literally just both hands in "car" handshape (i.e not the word/sign for "car", no no -- but rather a flat hand with thumb sticking out so it sorta looks like a car) both hands next to each other moving slowly forward, with the exhausted face described above -- i.e cars next to each other moving real slow
@anarchiv or use a service that sends a fax of any pdf you email to it
@anarchiv you could export it to pdf with the print button
re: frustration with open source "alternatives"
and before anyone brings it up: yes, i am aware of the technical details and that firefox for ios uses a uiwebview ie mobile safari to render pages
but that doesn't change the fact that i'm using firefox and the website is telling me to fix the problem by using firefox..........
AND i also think it's wrong to release a product that's ostensibly supposed to compete with other mainstream websites WITHOUT MAKING SURE IT WORKS ON 1/3 OF ALL SMARTPHONES?????
re: frustration with open source "alternatives"
the video itself doesn't actually work btw. just plays the audio and shows a black rectangle
@doubleDensity and roses are thorny
white supremacy et al, autism advice, sort of a joke but also not a joke at all
are you autistic and struggling to figure out which rules are actual rule rules that really matter, and which rules are fake wink wink nudge nudge rules that you can safely ignore?
here's a tip i learned: if a rule would disproportionately harm non white people, disabled people, women, the lgbtqia+ community, refugees, immigrants, and/or other minorities -- then you better bet your ass it's gonna be one of the rules that's actually enforced
i also suspect:
ASL: "right/correct"
Israeli: "harassment"
but the movement might be slightly different between these two? idk
(this is mostly a joke because i do not have the attention span to watch that right now)
re: autism, computer games
@frostwolf yup! i've actually been using some strategy guide from 2004-2009 for simcity 2000 in the past few days, and it's really helping me understand the game better
re: bible, dunking on modern religion
@noiob i read a bit of that one too, but god/jesus does seem to be pretty angry there too, just a bit more of a wise ass about it
i'm a weird lil dogo and this is where i sadpost