You know what I need to do one of these days?
My social circle regrew so fast-- and we all change names so much because we're goddamned furries and kobolds & whatnot-- I have completely lost track of who's who.
It's got to the point where I'm often scared of pissing someone off by communicating with the "wrong" person, because everyone assumes I know who the fuck else that person is. >_>;;
But I also just feel like a shitty uncle for not knowing the kids. :)
@green No, but it does actually restore a hell of a lot of my faith in the future. *hug* :D
@zebratron2084 well good. ^___^ we were both a lot more crazy back then, and we're both in generally much better headspaces now, even given the obligatory internal briar patches and tar pits. and I'm still very glad that I overcame my "oh god they remember and hate me from that stuff in the past augh augh" fear and *talked* to you, because you've become a very important and enjoyable and look-forward-to part of my world since! *hughughug*
@green Same here, and thank you so much for reminding me that sometimes things really do turn out pretty awesome. I HAVE made it clear that the platonic/ace crush is totally reciprocated, right? n.n <3
@zebratron2084 yesyes and yay! <3 and now I'm all blushy and need to go clean catboxes. XD
@green I'm... gonna continue my charitable attitude towards you and presume those last two are unrelated. ;D
@zebratron2084 completely unrelated, heh. because I am a HUGE DORK.
@zebratron2084 Hi there! I'm a ✨plush!✨ :D
@zebratron2084 (and more specifically, the ✨plush✨ that is also Solei who is also a Tixagon and your sis ♥️ )
I used to be just a dragon named Cobalt Blue, or Cobaltie, or just Blue.
Now I'm an otter (Lai, you might have met them before, full name is still Nikolai), a phoenix (Yori, somewhat new, but most-often fronting), and a kobold toy (unnamed, synthetic, but also what the dragon has retired into).
But overall system still goes by Emanate. :-}
(and like, you probably knew alll that already, but how many times have I been confused by /your/ many dentities, in the past? :-P )
@zebratron2084 *Ahem* your many _identities_, not "dentities". I'm not confuser by the number of teeth in your mouth.
@zebratron2084 I swear I'm not another robotic duplicate. Really. Honest.
*head ejects itself and wobbles on a long spring*
@Soreth What a relief. Frakkin' toasters.
@zebratron2084 Hi I'm still just me. ;) Current species: Glowtide cervinity seems to be going away but the antlers might actually be staying? Oh deer. ;)
@indi @zebratron2084 you know those antlers are just gonna get tangled up in the cables, and vines, and ropes and such right? ;)
@KoBunny That's why I'm glad they're phantoms I guess. XD
oops I got lewd
@indi I dunno watching an antlered glow-yote flail about and eventually get himself trapped in compromising positions seems like a fun time to me :P
oops I got lewd
@KoBunny I mean that's just the yote way in general. ^.^
@zebratron2084 Hello~! I was a rabbit named Summer at one time and then I drank some cool glowy water, had a number of existential clocks in the face, and now I'm a neptunian otterprene.
@Oneironott Oh THAT old story. ;)
@indi *whiskertwitches and glows along them* A very fitting one~ ^^
*Pulls off hir rubber mask*
It's me, Wilson Tunwistle, the old coot from the first act that was sneaking around the old storage shed... and I JUST FOUND ALL OF THE OL' CARTRUSSLE FORTUNE, AND THOSE MEDDLING KIDS AND THAT PESKY DOG ARE NEVER GETTING OUT OF THAT TOMB I BURIED THEM IN!!
@zebratron2084 I'm that one person you argued with on UseNet back before the turn of the century and are now surprisingly ideologically compatible with! wait shit that doesn't narrow it down at all does it ummmm