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@monsterblue @anthracite YES! You were on the list of folks I explicitly hoped would like this, I am so delighted!

@anthracite You should talk, miss "oh let's just leave our comic under an overturned barrel for four years" 😽​<3

(you're doing AWESOME with No Pizza On Luna though <3 )

re: link (Seinfeld animatic) 

@LexYeen I spotted you over there in the Rage On (Himbo Punchin' Machine) comments! 😽

@chimerror Speaking of cumbia, I hope you don't mind if I share one of my favorite albums... It's not QUITE traditional cumbia, but...

@anthracite And Artie is still Most Interesting Cat In The World back there! "Sup."

uspol; one-liner 

"the 'just trolling' <-> orwellian duckspeak spectrum"

re: Musing about fantasy writing 

@xinjinmeng Three words: "Bigby's Grasping Hand."

@monsterblue I mean, I've got a magical lizard woman like maybe 50 feet away. And she has a guitar. This will not be a challenge.

@chimerror I'm pretty sure Orange Stake is illegal under the Geneva Conventions and I do intend to seek legal counsel, if you'd like to join me at The Hague. >_<

draw for me: the concept of "dignity" as a simple felt-tipped marker drawing


@spottyfox One of our nicknames for our cats in general is "pooter," so one night @anthracite and I came up with an old-school coin-op game called "Pooter Booter," which is about putting ornery cats out for the night.

So then we created its whole rich history, including its many sequels:

Pooter Scooter (xtreme stunt cats)

Pooter Looter (cat burglars)

Pooter Commuter (cat light-rail sim)

Pooter Muter (applying brass horn mutes to noisy cat mouths)

Pooter Computer (ill-advised spreadsheet)

re: opinion, fine temperance beverages 

@spottyfox Lemon-Lime Soda: Because If We Called It Citric Acid Soda You'd Never Buy It! (TM)

Now see what happens if you mix lemon soda with lime soda.

@Cerulean Oh cripes, though, now that you mention it... I love the idea of a show that teaches kids math by presenting its own simple card game and centering the show's "action" around finding solutions to kid-level but brain-twisty puzzles...

But not only would this show have zero commercial potential in our reality, it still shouldn't be Balatro. "Ambiguously creepy alien video poker machine" is all I want and all it needs to be.

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