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@spottyfox But how did this affect agriculture in the 17th century?

@anthracite @Soreth @JulieSqveakaroo Sadly it would be a bit difficult, since Alba's the only zoomorph on Terra right now For Plot Reasons.

If there's a Volume Two? We could DEFINITELY do it. I was thinking maybe we could have Alba take Zaffo on a tour of the solar system for it anyhow, and the asteroid belt *is* canonically settled by friendly buggies... 🤔

transphobia, edgelords, violent yet stupid imagery, bastard culture, shameless mockery of an utter spiritual and intellectual void 

Thanks for your contribution, chudiverse. It's really comforting to see that the memetic arsenal of our enemies has still not advanced past the fifth-grade level and probably never will.

*picks up a rubber stamp that says "WE'RE RUBBER, YOU'RE GLUE," stamps this feeble insult, and files it straight up her butt since that is apparently the level of maturity we're engaging at here*

Can you fucking imagine being intimidated by this infantile scrawling? Can you imagine being *stuck* in that mindset into your adulthood? :ms_rofl:

@chimerror Heh, I think gators are the ONLY ones who can call moving to the Everglades an act of social climbing. 😏 Screw the Everglades, send 'em here to New Orleans where the REAL gator action is! ⚜️ ❤️

@JulieSqveakaroo Right? And I've never been able to get a gamepad configuration together for it that really works for me in MAME. That's one that practically NEEDS the console for the full experience...

@Owlor I don't even know what you're talking about, I just particularly enjoy you when you're being sarcastic. 😻

@catoxis The grin sounds like the hardest part! I can barely even get that "one-fanged cat smile" thing going most mornings!

this just in... 

Richard "Lowtax" Kyanka is still dead.

@Chip_Unicorn I'm seeing NAACP v. Claiborne Hardware Co. cited in GARM's favor but I haven't had any time to dig into the details...

@spottyfox Dingo-O!

"Tennis Ball of Omens! Give me drool beyond drool!"


@Soreth yes but humans don't bond naturally with abstract concepts so they'd need to get a tube of pack-bonder from their local hardware store -- and it has to be the stuff in the *red* tube, not the blue one 'cause that's a whole different formulation, and it needs to be at least 5X strength or it won't be waterproof and they'll have to reapply their pack-bond after every shower

and then of course you just parge the lath! *nod*

re: uspol (--), MASSIVE CATCH-22 SPOILER 

@StormyDragon Not for Snowden. :(

(Granted, Orr and Yossarian are MAJOR heroes of mine... Orr knew EXACTLY the right way to respond to a moral crisis...)

@LexYeen For some reason, I read that first line "do you play..." in the exact same voice as "DO YOU READ SUTTER CANE?" from In The Mouth of Madness :D

@Phorm I was DEFINITELY thinking of that one Egypturnash pic... <3

@Phorm Hmm. My first instinct is that they're monster-adjacent. This may actually vary with the djinn, though! The ifrit in CBS's Evil, for example, is pretty "monstrous" looking, especially in the headular region. Djinn whose most intimidating feature is a floofy tail or a little boopable nose probably don't count as monsters unless they've made themselves at least 15' tall. <3

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