Hot Take, Politics and Religion Edition
@literorrery Oof. I take issue with that one. Not every christian or atheist is a terrible person, but there are a hell of a lot of examples of how communism was really really bad in many countries.
Hot Take, Politics and Religion Edition
@zetasyanthis I stand by my assertion. Not every communist is a terrible person, either, and communism is no more inherently doomed to fail than any other political system. The democratic republic is equally open to fail states -- we're living in one now -- but I don't hear people saying "democratic republics are a failure" because of it.
Although a lot of millennials are starting to say that of democratic republics....
Hot Take, Politics and Religion Edition
@zetasyanthis Free Christiana, Denmark, is still going strong. Shinmin, Manchuria, was going fine up until the Japanese invaded from one side and the Chinese from the other after a series of local leaders were assassinated. Can't blame its failure on the political system itself.
Hot Take, Politics and Religion Edition
@literorrery Okay, the first one there is a thousand people. The second lasted three years from what my quick googling said. If you want to be serious, show me something that lasted for 50 years plus with millions of people that actually worked (and obviously wasn't horrific).
Hot Take, Politics and Religion Edition
@literorrery For the record, I'm lean democratic socialist, but I'm also enough of a realist that I don't think capitalism will ever truly go away, even if it's not the mainstay. Stupid self interest might be able to be driven into the black market, but you're never going to kill it completely.
Hot Take, Politics and Religion Edition
@literorrery That's not really a question I can answer here. People have written entire damned books on it. XD Start here at least:
Hot Take, Politics and Religion Edition
@zetasyanthis Okay, give me some credit for being slightly more in-the-know than a wikignome. Communism has a ton of _connotative_ baggage attached to it. I want to know what elements of that connotation you're pointing at and labeling as problematic.