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why is "4x4" synonymous with 4-wheel drive

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

PSA Pronouns 

Remember that pronouns and gender are two separate things that, usually aligned, don't have to be aligned to each other. You could be masc-alined and use feminine-aligned pronouns, and vice versa.

Let's try not to police how we use our own pronouns. Our choice of pronouns are a decision that's ours and ours alone to make.

i suppose it makes sense that there would be people as into escalators as we are ICs, though

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youtube recommending us a channel devoted to a very specific interest we'd never even considered there would be people that interested in before

escalators are a pretty good thing that exists though

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

❌ final fantasy
✅ finial fancy

i have no idea what this means

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

Because of the recent Pokemon Illustration contest, I ended up doing about six and two halves illustrations! Here are some of the ones I didn’t submit, now that submissions are closed.


i wonder just how many distinct cuisines you could combine into one dish

relays:, I'm curious--what do you look like? Similar to your brothers but more feminine? Or different?

For some reason I'm imagining you as a taur, but I don't know if you said something about that or if our brain made that up.

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

Commission for

They're actually very well behaved. They don't have a suit on and aren't even crying about it!

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

apparently the official nintendo power guide book to oracle of seasons introduces the section on level 4, dancing dragon dungeon, by saying that the dungeon has no dragons and "you certainly won't be doing any dancing"

but the dungeon has the most danceable music in the entire game:


downside to watching a food video on youtube: now we want food that we don't remotely have the spoons to make and don't know where to get

they're also putting chorizo in it which i'm pretty certain paella definitely does not have chorizo in it, but that's more excusable because the format is basically "you don't get a recipe, now make the thing and see how it comes out"

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watching a food youtube channel and they're talking about paella and they keep pronouncing it "pie-ella" /pai.εlə/


neat thing we just learned: red wine is apparently a pH indicator; if you add a base to it, on top of probably making the wine taste terrible, it will turn bluish black

the Hearth :ms_agender_flag: boosted

Another begpost, boosts appreciated 

I have to get three teeth pulled so I can stop battling constant serious infections with antibiotics. This is going to cost around $400 at the sliding scale clinic via walk-in.

Any amount helps, including boosts.

This is separate from the cancer stuff.

I know, we've been asking for a lot lately. We will pay it forward however we can. The US medical system is scary.

#TransCrowdFund #MutualAid #BegPost

concept: ocarina of time randomizer, or some other zelda randomizer, that also randomizes which doors you need keys for

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