@kelseyhusky hiiii huskybot! ❤️
@literorrery Izzy said about the same last night, Mistress. And I will most readily accept hugs and the like.
@indi *hugs back* thank you friend yote. ❤️
What started as a sense of...I'm going to awkwardly call it "relief" has kinda turned into small little reminders. Little things like the otter plush he gave me that I hug at night, flashes of memories and concerns for him. I wound up wishing I could hug him for a while and tell him things are gonna be okay.
For those of you who I haven't told directly - Trouffee and I split up today. It was an amicable parting, I still very much care for him and wish to see him as happy as he can be. We're still roommates and still very much friends. I dunno what else I can say, other than he handled the whole thing with grace and poise.
@zebratron2084 this has been a thing I've noticed about Mastodon. I feel significantly less worried about opinions expressed here and keeping my timeline public...even after I found out I have a non-furry customer as a follower, which says something.
Feeling significantly better today. It's helped that the store isn't really _busy_ on a Monday and Mistress @literorrery got a chance to chat a little, @neonNeptunian showed me some cute thigh-high socks that I think would kinda deal with an outstanding issue I have with wearing a skirt, and @adeptomega is being cute and fawning over Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.
Mental State Musings
But right now I'd rather be looking forward to this weekend. I dunno why, but I'm having a hard time doing that right now.
Mental State Musings
Head's a little on wrong right now. Maybe that was because I had a really nice Thursday with my chosen family. Dinner with roommates, picked up Mistress at the airport, and generally a sense of accomplishment at home.
Come into work today and get treated to...a very hard-to-recognize emotional state from my new-yorker employee and know that I'm immediately behind in things. Gonna take a breath, make a list of things I need to do and start in on them...
@Momentrabbit Let's be robots together. Help me install these movable-type guides? And I'll need a paper tray.....
Here, have some porn. (NSFW obviously)
It's one of those nights where I kinda need lusty/lewd thoughts to redirect my attention away from the shitty day. Hence rubber bunny vac beds.
emotional state update
@literorrery there are a vast and varied number of reasons that I'm agitated today. *hugs* the interruptions were just the thing of the moment.
emotional state update
I don't feel particularly great today. I know it will pass, and I'm trying hard not to give voice to some of the less charitable thoughts going through my head. But these goddamn telemarketing and sales people calls are making it really hard to keep myself emotionally centered.
@literorrery *offers many hugs for you*
Anxiety Stuff
I tried my darnedest to stick it out, but I just took an anti-anxiety pill. The anxiety is clearly on the downhill, but I'm really exhausted and that's not helping tonight.
There's still an urge to keep doing things and pushing myself and I know I should stop but I also know there's a cost to not stopping the cleaning.
@ElectricKeet For what it's worth I never think of anyone saying "smash capitalism" or complaining about business as anything other than what you just said.
@Momentrabbit this is definitely one of the most adorable things I have seen!
...but I also purchased You Need a Budget on steam and subject friends to that notification too >.>
Plant bunny. Formerly a lion. Prone to pondering about gender, sex, and life in general. May be NSFW at times. Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them (either works)