@literorrery I wish I could!
Ok, so. I've been listening to Spotify at work, to keep my spots from fading out entirely without network access to refresh their eInk? Y'know, like one does. And I was on a TMBG kick, and heard "Omnicorn". Which, between my own explorations of monohorn on main and crushing on Doctor Neon's scrapgoat, really fit the groove. So I asked for the song by name today, and it pinged thrice - two TMBG, and one by a band called alienheadband...
@Phorm @anthracite ... may I muddle the situation by saying djinnae dragkinging tuxedos is smoking hot? imho, anyhow. <.<
@LexYeen Oooh! Ok, then Open SCAD is probably a good start. It does everything through code and primatives - make a sphere, draw a box, extrude, rotate, join, cut, etc - which totally lends itself to making repeating geometric objects of repeating design, like cogs and gears and hubs and stuff. Making lugs out of cylinders, hollowing them out, joining to other cylinders and so forth - excellent use case. n.n
@LexYeen Oh, I forgot. Autodesk again - Meshmixer is a modelling program, designed for 3d printers (one in specific, but it works for all of them), does some sculptural work and is good at remixing other works. Actually free, too. Good place to start tinkering.
@LexYeen That said - as it's an issue I've been poking at for the last 11 months or so with The Folly, what do you want to produce? Maquettes? Parts? Paperclips? Different CAD lends itself to different sorts of work. And then the slicer software converts the models into something the printer can make, with varying degrees of success...
@LexYeen OpenSCAD is a procedual language 3D modelling software. Bit of a learning curve, but works and is free.
Autodesk Fusion is a very industrial solution soft, and it is freeish. But it's cloud based and I lost a lot of my work there when they changed their payment options so I'm irked at 'em.
Blender makes models that can be exported in formats 3d printers grok, and is free.
@Phorm ok that's just damn awesome right there
Fascism in the Workplace
@mawr I'm not saying I grew up war-dialling in the 80s, gracious no. I was a good kid, never did anything untoward. Wouldn't want to imply otherwards!
... I'm just saying *some* people once might have considered such boilerplate the equivalent of a starter's pistol going off. n.n
(mmm, surprisingly warm fuzzies from this, actually. Not why you shared it, but Young Me thanks you for the reminder.)
((er. of who we weren't, of course.))
Thoughts about collars.
Every safety regulation is written in somebody's blood. As such, there are Procedures. They are essential when working in an asynchronous, non-collaborative manner on complex tightly-coupled systems.
To prevent accidentally powering up a circuit which somebody else may be working on, LOTO evolved: Lock Out Tag Out.
It is giving me... *ideas*.
@mawr "Three-phase Electro-motive Force Conduit!" "Electron Firehose!" "Freddy Killowatt!" "Sparky!"
... yeah, it's the mains up here, too. <.<
@mawr "Mr. Biteygojiggledance?"
Ahaha. EA responded to player concerns by reducing the cost of "Face" characters (like Luke and Vader) by 75%.
@noelle Pray they do not alter it any further. XD
@typhlosion I like them. I cannot lie.
@typhlosion I light two lamps in the morning, I light two lamps at night.
I light two lamps in the afternoon, it makes me feel alright .
@literorrery "Christ, what a flock of assholes".
Middle-aged scatterbrain working in 'the healthcare field'. Teaching a computer to sculpt in my spare time. Torontoish. Pronouns: he/hare