@JulieSqveakaroo Well, yes. But only if I let the mob *catch* me. 💜
lewd adjacent on main
@Leucrotta ... we're gonna need a bigger 'tauryena. n.n
Just left a bigbox hardware store that has moved all of its IoT home automation devices into a secured cabinet. Said cabinet recently held pretty serious herbicides, if the warnings taped to it are any indication.
"These products will kill *ALL LIVING THINGS* in your lawn, including grass."
I'm already picturing Alice or Bobby Homeowner picking up a repeater and thinking "FINALLY! LETHALLY DECENT WIFI COVERAGE!"
*considers using an quartz IR lamp to 'mow' crop circle interference patterns* ;)
@zebratron2084 *is lounging about in a cheeseburger costume* Hon, I think we're all on the same page here. S'all good. ;9
@zebratron2084 It's right there - so far as I know, and from the radio show I heard back in the 90s, the audio recording from the 80s *is* the only recording of the performance. The download link's on the page - the MP3 link works.
Magnificent hunting stripeybutt. 🐇💜🐯
@zebratron2084 ...
You found it.
You found a complete 40 minute live recording of "The Life and Times of Francesco Zappa", an unproduced puppet play written by Frank Zappa, performed live May 20 1984 in SF a sum total of *one* time. From two slightly mangled quotes I misremembered off a college radio show twenty-five years ago.
I just listened to the whole thing. It's right there on archive.org. I think you'd enjoy it. n.n
You are just fucking magnificent beyond verbalization, Kin. 💜💜💜
@zebratron2084 Ssssay. You, uh... You wouldn't happpen to know where a rabbit could get hooked up with proof a puppet show of a Frank Zappa meeting a Francesco Zappa (no relation) actually happened, would you?
Keyphrases: "What you are suggesting simply reeks of obscurity. Congratulations." "I am composed of the memories of millions of tiny hateful people. I know only what they know."
Canada has released two permanent stamps celebrating the full cybernization of the last hives of the rusty patched bumblebee and the metallic green sweatbee. The Task Switcher reminds us on this joyous occasion that "much as it is amongst larger work units, while flesh is fleeting, The Hive is Eternal; Our Work is Never Over."
The honey is no less sweet, and slightly higher in iron and chrome content. :)
mood (---), kinstuff, real ponies, message from a changeling
@zebratron2084 "Nox Semper Equii." Dream well, bug.
mood (-)
@zebratron2084 Yeah. *hug*
@noelle iPhoto. n.n
@JulieSqveakaroo Izzat so. Huh! *looks closer*
buttery take
@zx3 "Why Aren't You Sarah Connor To Anyone But Me" still brings tears to my eyes. I do think three encores of "I'll Be Back" was a bit heavy handed, but eh, it was the fifties. And of course, The Terminator, Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor singing "Good Morning" in the machine shop set is always a non-stop cavalcade of laughs.
@bgcarlisle ...I find I am full of questions I can barely conceptualize. For starters, how do you know you're attending the *actual* Society conference, and not the control group?
Today's Questionable Content.
My heart.
@zebratron2084 Such is the power of the force. *mysterious nodnod*
@literorrery Y'know... it is. It really is.
You do the best you can.
@JulieSqveakaroo I find your lack of complex carbohydrates disturbing.
"My waffle is insufficiently toasted, Lord Vader."
"What if it could be turned to the dark side?"
"Yes... It would make a most powerful part of this complete breakfast."
"It will join a bowl of cereal, a glass of juice and a ramekin of fruit, or die."
Middle-aged scatterbrain working in 'the healthcare field'. Teaching a computer to sculpt in my spare time. Torontoish. Pronouns: he/hare