A significant portion of my basement is clutter free, thanks to timely mammaldrake intervention earlier today. @PhoenixTril is a magnificent task enabler. n.n
@porsupah @Leucrotta
*mashes 0 for operator*
Operator service has been discontinued in order to increase shareholder value through attrittion of entry-level positions.
Would you recommend American Dream™? Press 1 for Y, or hang up.
overfilled robot dragon "fuel tanks" (boobs)
@anthracite Yay deuterium slush!
@Leucrotta Hey, if you're going to transform into an orca or orcahybrid, you're going to burn through a lot of calories. Kind of inevitable, really. That's a hefty restructuring there, lots of muscle reanchoring going on. Makes perfect sense.
mood (~)
@zebratron2084 Somebody detonated a restaurant up the street from me. I've et there. It's... It's been a *week*. o.o
'"We know a remote server farm in Lincolnshire, where www.mrsbuckleys.com stores data. This May 25 2018, Privacy Policies change there.” Do you really mean that?'
'Uh, yes. So, in other words, I’d start half a second later.'
'Don’t you think you really want to say “May” over the Privacy? Isn’t that the fun of it?'
'-it’ll make more-
'I think it’s so nice that–we aren’t even in the market any more, you see? We’re talking about policies changing and we've already sold them.''
'...in May.'
@Phorm This.
Is the meme we need *and* deserve.
@JulieSqveakaroo "Sold?" Pfft. Nonono. Dear roo, the Smut path will be available as a monthly repeating *subscription,* at 9.95/month, 19.95/three months, or best value 49.95/year. n.n
I am all ears to hear about how you would propose unlocking "separate expansions", tho. Do go on. In detail. 8D
@Phorm Having once been an occasional creator of things?
I loved fans. They kept me going. Too few ever made themselves known to me. (Can't blame 'em, creators are crazypeople. ;)
It is an intensely lonely gig, making stuff and flinging it into the void.
I think you are underrating the things you do, and are possibly engaged in a little selective tunnel vision. (Looking out through the neck of a bottle will do that to a person. We need to get you out more often. ;)
@emanate @Aradia@mastodon.social @Soreth If the Safety-Orange Amazon Rabbits from Venus hadn't thought Earth was under Martian attack, we'd be up to our spleens in ears by now.
Damn Wells.
(The Safety-Orange Amazon Rabbits from Venus Exploratory Force is 1/2 scale, you see. 8 times the rabbit in equal volumes of transport. Extremely efficient grope snugglers.)
UI follies, unlearning reflexes
"Firefox Focus" floats a little magenta 'trash web history/open web pages' button in the bottomright corner of my phone's screen.
Exactly where the Mastodon web client puts the bright orange "AWOO!" button, if the posting is a reply to another.
Did you know that your peripheral vision is, generally, more intensity sensitive than colour dependant? Mine certainly is.
I've wiped out at least 30 of my own tweets so far by trashing indiscriminately. >.<
@mawr Chocolate buttons and liquorice laces. n.n
@JulieSqveakaroo And plvshfrienda can ride in the driers and come out all ✨PLVSHOOMPHED✨ and warm, which is extra nice on cold mornings. n.n
@grainloom If the streams are excessively alkaline after an industrial spill, and they livestream the titration and remediation, but there are too many viewers for the upstream feed, can you stream the streams being buffered, or will the stream buffering stream buffer unbearably?
@Austin_Dern "yes.yesyesyes.but!whynot.ALSO.vegetables?"
@Leucrotta It's The 'Life As The Tin Dog Is A Series Of Short Painful Lives' Tin Dog Blues.
song lyrics, sui reference
@Leucrotta 💜boingo
i thought i heard somebody cry
somebody might be me
Middle-aged scatterbrain working in 'the healthcare field'. Teaching a computer to sculpt in my spare time. Torontoish. Pronouns: he/hare