I think that there is something in the air around us folks recently. It feels tangible. @KawaSeadrake

Would anyone know, perhaps, decent places to obtain… interesting color contacts.
Like for instance… dragon eyes? *Toothy Grin*

I hope you are all well, by the by. I should use this more often.

Hmm I have noticed that we have started a tonal noisemaking for when we switch. Hmmhmm this works

woo, plurality 

@literorrery @Oneironott mmm we thought so at some point, but must have forgotten. May I speak with you about it sometime?

textually NSFW 

@KawaSeadrake @Oneironott Oh, I will make ver lick my slit for verself and then breed ver RIGHT into the sand.

No kidding. It is a very liminal point in time. I feel like if you look closely, you could see the spirits as they, too, shift and flow with the weather.

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I very much like the moments before it is going to storm, when you can smell it in the air.
The animals know, and everything shifts so very gradually and subtly.

textually NSFW 

@Oneironott Are... you flirting with me?

My cave is comfy. Honestly it is such an egregiously stereotypical thing though. I should make this mountain over.
V has been spending the past few nights in the cabin, which is probably good. Ve made the thing and then never slept or went in it.

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@Ulfra_Wolfe@witches.town hmm, by spare time, i meant the time in the orthocosm. I have been working on my head-place.
I just meant the downtime while i was fronting and V was resting

@Ulfra_Wolfe@witches.town Yes, i have been fronting most of the day, which has been a change. Last time i did was under very bad circumstances. This time is good.
I ended up not knowing what to do with my spare time though, and ended up observing a lot.

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