*nods firmly* @KawaSeadrake
I think that there is something in the air around us folks recently. It feels tangible. @KawaSeadrake
@Felthry it is good to see you too :)
@emanate always a delight to see you, dear
woo, plurality
@literorrery @Oneironott mmm we thought so at some point, but must have forgotten. May I speak with you about it sometime?
woo, plurality
@literorrery @Oneironott oh? You are an alchemist?
textually NSFW
@KawaSeadrake @Oneironott Oh, I will make ver lick my slit for verself and then breed ver RIGHT into the sand.
No kidding. It is a very liminal point in time. I feel like if you look closely, you could see the spirits as they, too, shift and flow with the weather.
textually NSFW
@Oneironott Are... you flirting with me?
@Felthry good morning :)
My cave is comfy. Honestly it is such an egregiously stereotypical thing though. I should make this mountain over.
V has been spending the past few nights in the cabin, which is probably good. Ve made the thing and then never slept or went in it.
9 foot, 4 armed, scholarly air dragoness from beyond the stars. One of magics, lust, and adventure.
Headmate with @Oneironott