Sugar Demons
Since I went on this whole venture to cut vices out of my life, I feel like the biggest hurdle so far is cutting sugar out of my diet. Coupled with intermittent fasting.
A part of me feels like my biggest mistake is doing this while Mercury is still in retrograde. A state where everyone's synapses short out for a month and we all go through our own personal hell.
Cutting all of these toxic substances out of my diet seems to have had horrible effects in my ability to communicate with people. In turn it's leaving me stuck in constant worry about alienating my friends.
I know I'm not the only one who's going through tough times right now... As much as I want to help out I feel like I'd only make things worse.
A part of me feels as if whatever demon I kept suppressed through sugar and carbs is putting up an illusion. That all of this is not real and it's just another form of trickery to make me fall off the wagon.
The only reason I made it this far was because I didn't give the devil advance notice. Now that I'm far into the game, it's become desperate.
I feel that if it can't sabotage me, it'll sabotage my friendships, my progress in life, anything it can do to make me miserable.
I'm fucking sick of it. I just want it gone. I want it out of my head. I want to move on with my life and not wallow in thoughts of self doubt and depression. All I feel is bitterness... Not just in my feelings, but as a taste in my mouth... Whatever nasty and disgusting toxins are leeching out of my system, and they aren't happy that I'm evicting them.
I still have the cold @acetone_kitten gave me when they stopped by the other day, so I spent today putting together this little paper Taj Mahal kit I’ve had sitting around. It was really satisfyingly fiddly to assemble.
No Trina the Taj is not a crown. Yes I know it looks good on you.
@Leucrotta *hugs* I can totally relate on the depression side of things. There's just not enough spoons in a day right now. It'll get better though. Things always do. We're just riding out another storm.
Sugarless Insanity
Sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine. That's abundantly clear in how much it's fucked with my brain chemistry over these last few days...
My spoons are practically zero and I look forward to simply running up and down the Washington Coast like a raving lunatic this weekend.
OCD Addenum
Because what good does throwing it back do? I'll use it to my advantage to grow a beautiful garden.
Dogma Destroys, Karma Creates
Having an open mind and ever changing opinion is karma. To unleash a personal attack on someone's character and spread gossip is dogma.
Dogma is an easy route to satisfaction, which in the long term comes back in the form of their own self destruction.
Karma, on the other hand, takes patience. It pays off in the long run to treat others the way you want to be treated. If someone treats everyone like shit, then they're gonna get shit in return.
@vahnj Monday you can fall apart, Tuesday Wednesday break my heart...
I'll have none of it. Plain and simple. I work on staying preoccupied with meatspace to the point of not caring about it. If by some reason a part of my obsessive-compulsive mind latches onto some frivolous bullshit? It's a reminder that I'm not being productive enough, so it's time to get out there and do some shit! Shine bright in a sea of darkness!
I couldn't resist sharing the image more directly.
It me! (not my commish, just my aesthetic) :-D
(via birdsite, hat tips to Ko for finding it)
To be even more specific on the variant of responses. Reflect the energy like a mirror, store it like a battery, or dissipate it into rainbows like a prism. With negative energy, dissipation is preferred.
Jesus fucking Christ... I'm finally doing it. I'm going on a keto diet plus intermittent fasting and holy shit has it been driving me mad.
In all honesty, I'd rather stay locked up in isolation than have anyone deal with whatever demons are working their way out of me. I won't be socializing much. That's for sure.
I'll be fine. It's just a really good example of "this too shall pass."
Personal Views of Postfurry's Definition
@Leucrotta When I observe the trajectory of the mainstream furry community over my ten plus years of involvement, I notice a trend towards an increasingly high school esque mentality of trying to be the most popular kid on the block. Now, I'm open to the fact that it may have always been that way and I simply grew out of it. But, it's glare has become increasingly harsher to me over these last five years. Especially after I quit drinking.
This weekend is a perfect storm. Literally. I'm cooped up inside my ship, rain pounding, going nutty from the start of a keto diet, and I'm about to smoke a bowl of Alien Asshat and go soaring off into space in hopes I find whatever guides I need to make it through these turbulent times. Jesus fuck I'm hitting a whacky combination of extreme highs and extreme lows.
Personal Views of Postfurry's Definition
@literorrery @KawaSeadrake I could honestly say the same for myself. I was always left feeling unfulfilled with the core fandom when I realized I tend to delve deeper into what my true form means to me. I felt a lot of shallowness in said crowd that I tried to ignore and drown out via drinking myself into oblivion.