@awoofriend @Siphonay@wasteland.pro @ZorcNecrophades@theshadowrealm.party From the Shadows, echoing across the Waste, emerges a cry ...
We're TECHNICALLY on 1.4.5 now!!!!!!!
Even thought our version is only 1.4.4..... IGNORE THAT
Hopefully the site is not longer ANGRY AT US for using it!!!
[OOC] Speak of the devil- 1.4.5 just got released, which fixes this issue!
We're rolling on forward, y'all!!!!
Hey everybody!!! It's been a busy week for awoo.space!!!
I'm pleased and excited and can't control myself over being able to present TWO MORE INSTANCES we're adding to our federation list tonight!!
Please welcome theshadowrealm.party, run by @ZorcNecrophades@theshadowrealm.party, and wasteland.pro, run by @Siphonay@wasteland.pro!!!
[OOC] Hi friends- I made a poor decision when trying to expand awoo.space's resources* to work in, and have since rectified my mistake!
Hopefully the 502/504 errors are chilling out now and it's working better.
Lemme know if you see anything funky!
*Tech details: I made a bigger swapfile and fudged the arguments oops
awoo.space and slurs 3, final
and no this isn't me sitting here wagging my finger, friends- i have a lot of patience for this kind of behavior as i know it's hard to unlearn and often done without realizing it's harmful
all i ask is you keep an open mind about how you interact publicly and do your best <3
awoo.space and slurs 2
additionally- it's okay to self-identify with slurs as an act of reclamation- the use of slurs as identifiers in your name (like if you were "thefag" or "trendybitch") is generally gonna be okay in our book
awoo.space and slurs
hey folks-
I've seen a few posts lately where people have posted slurs to the public timeline - if you're going to do this please tag your content using the CW button as not everyone's gonna be okay reading this kind of stuff
we're not trying to police language too much here except when it comes to the public timeline where folks don't have a choice whether or not they see it
@laura i'm spooked!!!!!!! gosh
@Irick @chosafine@boys.computer Well I mean he's running a single-user instance so HERE COME DAT BOYS.COMPUTER ADMIN‼
2⃣ 👌 👋 🐺 ‼
🤠 @tone
Hi everyone! My uncle's working on federation requests again tonight and we've got a new one for you!!!
I'm wagging my tail to announce this- dotopia.dk is our latest network to open up with, and they are run by @laura!
I always like having more cyberfeminists in our network. Hello awooooooooo!!!!