Offerings to the departed
@CoronaCoreanici This isn't quite what we did, but close:
Offerings to the departed
At my request, @Elanna asked the runes if the offerings and messages from last night's Silent Supper should be burned or buried.
It is done. It feels... Good isn't the right word. Satisfying. Complete. Peaceful.
@Ampersand Yeah. I have similar aches today, I think. Thank you for coming though. We'll get through this. Spirituality and identity are tied together in it for me; most of my active work grew from exploring and trying to understand my otherkin-ness.
Lately though one of the biggest driving forces has been community-building: I've ended up in a group of folks (corporeal and otherwise) who want to go deeper and come together around occult/spiritual subjects and I've felt a lot of drive to try to work out how to do right by them.
Finished ritual space pics:
- Full view
- South marker (rose quartz)
- Summer solstice sunrise marker (obsidian)
- North marker (basalt)
Entrance marks summer solstice sunset, and you may be able to make out the winter solstice markers in the big pic.
New Rules
@emanate @literorrery @KawaSeadrake You ARE a very excellent mascot. ;)
Does anyone happen to have pointed to a place for discussion of spirituality/pagan stuff (something like a Discord server would be ideal) that might be a good place to discuss matters relating to how to run a small/medium-sized seasonal gathering group? I think it's time I stopped trying to doing this stuff entirely on my own. ;)
(Feel free to boost)
(And yes Indi, way to project lots of confidence less than a week before the Samhain gathering. XD)
New Rules
@kelseyhusky @literorrery Orthosona perhaps? ;)
I mean, don't get me wrong, I WANT to put up more. ;)
@irisjaycomics @ComputerHusband
Shit really? We have like, three things. Y'all should really step up, our place was TAME compared to folks we knew in California. ;)
@irisjaycomics @ComputerHusband
Can I live with you when my housemates inevitably evict me immediately afterwards? ;)
@ComputerHusband @irisjaycomics
How terrible would I be if I hung it up on the wall using one of those sports-jersey frames?
@irisjaycomics @ComputerHusband
I still have the shirt. It is way too big, and falling apart, because it'd be old enough to vote in six months. o.o
Gods I've been doing this for a long time. o.o
@ComputerHusband @irisjaycomics
Cropped from my dealer-den-haul pic from my first furry con ever:
@vahnj OMG
Crom you are my hero. :D
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜