PSA: If your breakfast burrito recipe includes 'scramble the eggs', it is wrong.
Here is how you breakfast burrito:
- Get some good chorizo.
- Fry it in pan. Don't you dare drain it.
- Remove chorizo from pan. Leave grease there. Don't touch it.
- Fry shredded potatoes in the delicious chorizo grease.
- Pour lightly beaten eggs over it all, and add the chorizo back in, along with some green chile.
- Mix it until it coalesces into a slightly crumbly foodmass.
- Serve with cheese in tortillas.
Gods forgive us, Gods bless us, Gods guide us home. May there be less Deaths next year.
Gods forgive us, Gods bless us, Gods guide us home. May there be less Deaths next year.
Gods forgive us, Gods bless us, Gods guide us home. May there be less Deaths next year.
So mote it be
Otherkin Praxis
So the other night I mentioned to @starkatt that I had some ideas of stuff otherkin folks could do (meditation, visualization) to help with species dysphoria/yearning. It ended up getting sorta long, so I posted to my Tumblr instead, so you cna find it here:
Also, a number of other folks apparently wanted to hear too, so pinging @PluralPupper @Taylor @KawaSeadrake @Jssra to make sure y'all don't miss it, sorry I was so slow about this. :)
#introductions, woo! Haven't done this in a while.
* Usually a coyote/otter critter, currently a reindeer, because of winter!
* #postfurry, glowy, synthetic, specifically ✨plush✨
* #otherkin AND #furry (Which I suppose means therian too!)
* #nonbinary, also gay. Ask me how! ;)
* Animist #pagan spiritworker, who's ended up running regular rituals at my (owner's) house in Seattle
* UX design for dayjob, surprisingly relevant to the above
* Never ever used this many hashtags at once before
Spiritwork weirdness
The most frustrating part is, my alarm went off before it really got into the actual CONTENT. ;)
Over the last week I put together a bunch more shelf/cabinet things for the formerly-poorly-used space in our game room and I got SO EXCITED about finally fixing our storage problems and it made me feel very-super-Adult-yuck.
Then I proceeded to fill up most of the new shelves with legos and plushies and felt much better. ^.^
Shameful postfurry kink confession
Shiny latex is a pretty siginificant turnoff for me. It sets off some spectrumy sensory aversion stuff just thinking about it.
Matte latex and neoprene are neutral/sometimes-good though.
Plush fur is a huge positive and it's really frustrating that everyone's first conception of 'toy' in a postfurry context is shiny rubber.
(This isn't apropos of any particular thing BTW, other than a neutral/positive conversation I'm having in another window right now)
Oh my god.
One-shot tabletop RPG where all the characters are International Plushies Of Mystery working for totally different interests.
And each one has a magical McGuffin sewed into them that they're trying to transport in secret. (One has a plush TF bomb... one has a tiny mouse diplomat with an oxygen tank sewn in with them... one has a high-powered radio transmitter that's performing a nearly successful SETI scan... one just glows mysteriously when they open their mouth, and so forth...)
So basically now I have the PERFECT "This is what I am going for with plush stuff" pic. 💜💜💜💜💜
pronouns: he/him • ve/ver
Glowy Postfurry Gay Coyotter Rave Toy.
Responding to @mentions and not much else. 💜