@Taris Hey, friendo, convincing yourself to not do something you wanna do sounds like a good way to bum yourself out with bad vibes, friend.
@anthracite I can understand that concept, and I love it.
Nice picture!
haha this is great
@kobi_lacroix@snouts.online The problem is Criminal isn't an element, it is a synthetic polymer chain made up of Lithium and Einsteinium. Its structure looks like this Li-Es-Li-Es. When placed under even the slightest scrutiny or lowest magnification, it de-polymerizes into a chaotic mess that is actually easier to clean up once it has been separated into its components.
From Bookface: "We all know Donald Trump is preparing to rig or steal the election — but exactly how?" My Response: (CW: USpol, 45, Insulting from A to Z)
By dragging anyone who doesn't vote for him off in unmarked rental minivans and anonymous, militarized, federal officers wearing no identification; By detaining dissenters without charge in deadly conditions, guarded by fascist bullies who will use intimidation, fear, and violence against vulnerable populations with no fear of accountability or justice; By destroying evidence and paper trails; By suppressing votes; By controlling the news cycle (by being as outrageous as possible, he forces the news to cover him and his latest bullshit, not the /effects/ and injustices his latest bullshit causes, validates, and encourages;
By being himself: an arrogant, bigoted, comb-overed, degrading, embarrassing, fallacious, graceless, hollow, immature, jack-booted, lecherous, mass-murdering, nepotistic, oppressive, pestilent, quarrelsome, racist, sexist, tyrannical, unethical, vain, wrong, xenophobic, yucky, zealot of a vegetable coated in fake cheeto dust, fake tan, and fake hair.
Someone should go check where Steve Jobs is buried, because I think the Reality Distortion Field was illegally exhumed, and used to power this soulless troglodyte. Nothing else would be powerful enough.
I feel bad for his Secret Service detail.
@InTheLandOfTheRisingSun Gonna say yes. (source: I am a table)
@junebug@snouts.online Never made Eagle. I hit Star and turned 18 and wasn't even allowed to go for Life. My dad was the scout master. But he gave us a fitness program, and we did camping, pinewood derby, and that's about it. And pushups. Many many pushups. they were handed out as a form a demerit, basically. Good times.
@PK How many other films had both of those and used them both accurately?
@fluxom_alt Himbo/Bimbo/Limbo.
re: unpleasant take (uspol -)
@zx3 "Hey everyone! Welcome to the neighborhood! Me and Z and happy you finally decided to get on our level"
RT @YesYoureRacist@twitter.com
Next time you see someone who hasn't filled out their DIY pride flag, help them out by coloring it in for them
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/YesYoureRacist/status/1284839712201543682
@monorail It now takes 2.8 stones to kill one bird.
re: Gamers and the epic store
@SuperCee@plush.city You're not wrong. Ooooh! See, this is why every not cis-white-dude needs a brosona to do all their public speaking for them.
Sorry to Bother You was goofy and surreal, but holy fuck was it right about how much code switching is a fucking survival trait.
*beep* Raow! Are there new friends to find here?
Huskybots, nerd, trans, PoC, furry, poly, thirsty AF, budding stoner.
Replies are desired over Favs!
Status Lights:
🔶=Hanging in there but maybe say a nice thing if you have the energy.
⛔️=Not doing so hot, approach with caution.
🆘=Error state. Need assistance
AD: @kelseyhusky
Woo: @plushskies