Hey, if you want to read a comic featuring dragon ladies and lesbian robots that's stunningly drawn and pushes the boundaries of the medium, go check out Decrypting Rita.
Image from page 72 of "Portrait and biographical album of Pike and Calhoun counties, Illinois .." (1891)
plurality, organisation woes
We've already had one partner tell us to have our own mastadon instance. pls no
plurality, organisation woes
It has gotten to the point that the fourth primary cluster of system members to form in our modern system has requested their own computer login and email alias. This would be so much simpler if they had mostly showed up with just one name (like the Emmas, Alices, and Melodys did) instead of being primarily a collection of historical figures and existing fictional characters.
meta, "postfurry", sexuality //
In my head furry has always had a small contingent of people who were like "stop! stop! that's Lewd, and those cartoon foxes aren't even married!!" or "no you are Not Allowed to be half-wolf half-skunk, that's not realistic. And don't even think about mixing sexual dimorphisms"
and everybody else pretty much ignored them & is going full speed ahead with their toy wooden-block dragicorn that TFs people using mind control pheromones or whatever
You are the only one in the world like you. You are important -- you matter -- just by virtue of bearing that unique vision into the universe.
I'm glad you're here. I hope you stay with us as long as you can.
The world can a scary place, full of loudness and anger, but it can be beautiful, and it's moreso because you're part of it.
Be good to yourself, please. There's nobody in the world who can replace you, and you have so much light to share just by virtue of being you.
Image from page 480 of "Award of the fishery commission [microform] : documents and proceedings of the Halifax Commission, 1877 under the Treaty of Washington of May 8, 1871" (1878)
Right now, the things that make you happy matter more than ever.
In times like these, you should hold tight to them. Find cause for joy and hope in every day.
Even the smallest of things. Those matter too.
Because the world is...kind of messed up lately! in ways that often we cant really help or fix.
I ask that you try to find happiness in defiance of that. Represent a world where hope and love and kindness still exist.
They do.
And you deserve them.
Tag yourself I'm space bisexual
(via my friend Katie "AstroKatie" Mack on birdsite)
Today's term of the day: hapax legomenon!
A hapax legomenon is a term that appears exactly once in a given corpus.
Frex, in all the Latin text from classical Rome that's survived to the modern day, the verb "circummingere" appears once, in the form "circumminxit", in Petronius's "Satyricon". "circummingere" means "to urinate around", and is used in the description of a magic spell a werewolf uses to turn his clothes to stone (by pissing in a circle around them) before he goes off to maraud.
@uma anyways my point is that while public spaces do need to be moderated, perhaps what we also need is not a few big spaces, but many small ones
a large plural system // endogenic, thoughtforms, traumagenic, polyfragmented // scientific, spiritual, cosmological
writers, musicians, photographers, too much random technological trivia