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impressions from Metalab, would've loved to stay longer, glad I still got to visit

visiting the united nations in Vienna, they have a really cool space collection

This kind of smart, walkable, mixed-use urbanism etc etc

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help, I've somehow ended up in an architecture magazine

these subway station entrances are so fancy

Vienna has some impressive buildings

Vienna has a cool zebra crossing

when my robovac hasn't run its room detection algorithm (which considers any small enough gap a door) it will just divy up everything into rectangles and vacuum those, it's kinda funny

lewd joke, 3d printing 

uwu *compensates ur hole*

like how long has this been on the "PAL" article, it makes no sense, makes unsourced (false) claims and doesn't fit in the flow of the article

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the logo does look kinda nice on my website tho

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anyone wanna buy me a printer I don't technically need?

(7.1 not really a spoiler)

printing glow in the dark filament is fun

I take it back, this entire thing is the battery unit wtf

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