I tell Google assistant to set an alarm or turn off the lights: my phone tells me to try the new LLM-based assistant. I look up whether it's better at doing the few things I like to use Assistant for – turns out they grafted Assistant's functionality onto it, so it's the same but even less reliable. The "AI era" seems to be going great.
it only stays on reliably when the power button is pressed so I did the only logical thing
Ich sehe viele Fotos von aufgefalteten (noch nicht angekreuzten) Wahlzetteln in Wahlkabinen in meinem Stream. Ihr wisst hoffentlich, dass gemäß Europawahlordnung §49(2) das Fotografieren in der Wahlkabine verboten ist: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/euwo_1988/__49.html
So here's the game I've spent the last.. LONG while working on: Wanderstop!!
So yeah! I'm Animation Lead on this. It's... really nice to be able to talk about it after all this time. I hope people are excited! (If you are, the steam page is here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1299460/Wanderstop/)
~ awoo.space admin ~ bisexual ~ nonbinary ~ likes video games and weird/ old electronics and will post obsessively about both ~ AC, Germany ~ avatar by @dzuk