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hey there. I'm trying to stay mostly off social media until I have a job again but at this point it's been almost four months and I have precious few leads. if you know any mid-level engineering positions you can recommend me for, I would appreciate referrals:

shork boosted

StraalBreinen moet eens bedenken of de ij aan het eind van intellij met hoofdletter IJ of kleine letter ij geschreven wordt, hierbij in iedergeval de kleine variant

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shork boosted
shork boosted

Wahlsystem Deutschland 

@Kiki @tagesschau @leah Hm, naja. Als Politiklehrer würde ich sagen: sehr verkompliziert geschrieben. Ich hätte da noch diese Übersicht.

if they make a new Time Round I'm buying it, that thing was peak

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but yeah there's still no smartwatch that surpasses Pebble

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not holding my breath on whether they'll actually manage to make a new one but it would be cool, I'm happy with wear os right now

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I understand that you can't not have construction but I also kinda wanna get home

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"train service is severely impacted between 21:00 and 05:00" cool cool

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I have some open slots for emoji, emote and sticker commissions!

Express yourself on Discord, Telegram and more, using your likeness and in the exact expressions you want.

More examples and info:

I also do Twitch too:

they sure are still making Doom games

shork boosted

nooo I forgot to bring my headphones to the office

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Wir haben Kaltgerätekabel gegen Versand abzugeben. Gerne auch komplette Pakete. :BoostOK:
UPDATE: @Exellent nimmt bis Dienstag Wünsche entgegen

random AliExpress find: this PSP Go USB-C adapter that does power and data, with a 3D printed shell and pretty solid construction overall

shork boosted

Have not sold much art in a while and been suffering too much with poor MH to do much self promo or work on things, so I'm a bit skint.

If you have any spare coins:

Lots of stuff for sale in my Ko-Fi shop too, and at :meow_artist:

you know what they say: all posters post post

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