@JuliaRez ok I was rlly depressed last week but like belatedly this sort of thing with the mega-deep plunge on the bottom hem, cutouts at the hips and no regard for tits is very big Elizabethan fashion vibes
@kurrikage that suit is fantastic
@LexYeen 'The purpose of a system is what it does'
@lioness As an ace person I'm getting a novel joy in being the height of corruption kink
@niss Saaaaame
@Moot Someone linked me to https://cohost.org/trans-mom/post/4525080-ceo-of-tumblr-just-t which goes into it
@Moot I know, right?
It's like playing a mystery game every time some new big event takes over tumblr discourse
@Leucrotta yes, absolutely
@Vordus Yeah! I wasn't sure on it at first (when it was heavy on Iron Man/Strange) but as the game branched out it really pulled me in.
re: kink, speech restriction //
@lioness "cladistically debated early triassic archosauriform"
@lioness heee
@suricrasia This blog has a lot of good posts about the shittiness of ABA. It's probably not stuff that's news to you >< but sometimes it's affirming to find stuff like that.
@Moot nooo now I miss Blaseball again
Film adaptations: She can be a tragic woobie played by a 20yr old
Me: ...No. Not like that.
This is a graffiti-free zone.
Vandals will be ~PASTELBAT~