@starkatt Oh, gears. You have uncorked the deep one.
First up, "Mission to the Deep Space," Motoi Sakuraba. This is the Star Ocean 3 rendition, but it's appeared in every SO and is one of Sakuraba's signature tracks. Sakuraba himself has a history of composing for television as well as video games, so his skills are heavily refined.
@literorrery Okay I want to get the entire Fez soundtrack now. This synth is glorious and pure.
@literorrery @emanate I really don't know what to say about this beyond: this is really good.
@emanate @literorrery What is Risk of Rain? I've heard it mentioned a bunch but don't know what it's about, and this track is making me want to play.
@starkatt @literorrery @emanate AHJFSGFSAGHFLASFHA only one of the best games to come out of UW
@emanate @literorrery @starkatt I've played it so much, heck
Now I want to play it again thanks y'all
@vahnj @emanate @literorrery Hmm. I looked it up and "roguelike action platformer" doesn't sound super my jam at the moment? Right now I kinda want easy games, and those words read "hard game" to me.
@starkatt @literorrery @emanate that's fair, it's definitely a difficult game
@starkatt @emanate Risk of Rain is a platform-adventure game, available on Steam, with a difficulty curve fixed to _time_, so the faster you play through it, the easier it is; it gets harder based on how long you take to complete it. Brilliant mechanics. I've seen Em do terribly beautiful things to it. =n.n=
@starkatt Since that pegged you, here's one I'm plugging because @emanate uses it to glorious effect in one of vis mixes. This is from the Risk of Rain soundtrack, called "Arctic Oscillation." The first time I heard it, I swear I thought this was a twenty-minute loop. =@.@=