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Okay, I have tea and supermarket sushi as a dumb treat for myself, which is hopefully not too self indulgent during a crisis

OK, I signed myself up for monthly donation to Earthjustice, and wrote both my senators asking them to please protect birthright citizenship.

uspol -, personal ~ 

I finally figured out more about my feelings with what's about to happen.

Theoretically as an anarchist I believe in communities on a small scale but don't expect people necessarily do the right thing on a big, even statewide scale - let alone nationwide.

So why is it still getting to me that these ASSHOLES voted for what they KNOW is going to be a bigoted anti-environment fundie kleptocracy, that they basically signed a death warrant for a whole lot of people and, because we don't know what the next disaster will be which the incoming Administration will mishandle, we don't know who's going to die in this thing; the straightest cis-male WASP is only slightly safer than a wheelchair bound trans Black woman. I don't think I am very likely to survive the next 4 years, but I think Trump will, I think Musk will, I think all these nauseating little pissants will.

And it FINALLY OCCURS TO ME, that's GRIEF. Cycling "I can't believe this horrifying event happened with more to come," "fuck these shit deciding that we can now die instead of actually getting prosperity," "there's gotta be a way to get through this shitty situation," "This saps my will to live" are ALL STAGES OF GRIEF.

I mean, it doesn't help that much but at least now my reaction's understandable to me.

then someone said "Rivendell wouldn't just have plumbing they'd have bidets" and I'm now imagining the hobbit reaction to Elf Toilet Surprise

Sam would probably immediately recite/compose a poem but would be stymied by trying to come up with a rhyme for "jacksy"

this map of Bag End suddenly has me wondering about whether there's ever been an Unexpected Party version of Clue

I mean, "a sprawling country home with a group of relatives, servants and other guests, each with potential motive to murder the host" sounds very Christie AND very Tolkien.

tired: watching the Matrix Lobby Scene (aka The Great Cop Bash, Neo vs. OPD etc) with NIN's Head Like a Hole

wired: watching the Matrix Lobby Scene (aka etc etc etc) with Lords of Acid's The Crablouse

inspired: watching the Matrix Lobby Scene (etc) with the Devo cover of NIN's Head Like a Hole

Lich’s phylactery concealed in box of Danish Butter Cookies, discovered only by halfling optimistic that it still contained cookies rather than the more typical sewing kit

coyote sing along hour 

sooo what you see you might not get
and we can bet
so don't you get souped yet
schemin' on a thing that's a mirage
I'm tryin' t'tell you now it's SABOTAGE!

IIIIIII can't stand it, I know y'planned planned it
I'ma set straight this Watergate
because I can't stand rockin' when I'm in this place
because I feel disgrace because you're all in my face!
so make no mistakes and switch up my channel!
I'm Buddy Rich when I fly off the handle!
what could it be, it's a mirage
you're schemin' on a thing that's SABOTAGE!

Clearly this is the part of Krull where Prince Corwin faces The Wolfen. Earlier in this soundtrack suite was the point in the movie where he met the Rhine maidens.


the special Australian release

"One by one, the fucking lands of Middle-Earth fell to the power of the Ring. Fair dinkum. Oath, there were some who resisted. A last alliance of Men and Pommies marched against the armies of Mordor, and right there on the slopes of Mount fucking Doom they fought for the fucking freedom of fucking Middle-Earth."

I'm kidding because the Australian version of Lord of the Rings is, of course, Mortal Engines. A real good movie btw.

This was Honei-bukket, the great bathroom of the dwarves!

* light flashes from Gandalf's staff, illuminating row after row of cracked, long-abandoned urinals

* a single beam of sunlight plays on a shattered stall door, revealing a dwarven skeleton perched on the pot, journal still in bony hands

* massive Howard Shore music

seriously the idea of Cate Blanchett being all wistful and elfy while reciting ANYTHING cracks me up

You freely offer me a dry latte with four shots and a dash of hazelnut Torani syrup. *hand gesture*

In the land of Mordor the Dark Lord Sauron sewed in secret a master pair of pants. And into these he poured his cruelty, his malice, and his dump-truck ass. His serious badonkadonk booty.

* the camera zooms in on the Quenya runes for JUICY across Sauron's rear *

One pair to fit them all.

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it's LORD OF THE FRANCE! the extravagant musical story of Louis XIV that'll have you tapping your feet in no time!

not to be confused with

LORD OF THE PANTS! Rather than being a dancing spectacular, it began with the Great Pants of Power. Sturdy Ben Davis overalls for the dwarves, great miners and blue collars. Elegant slacks for the elves, the eldest of all. And stone-washed jeans for Men, who above all things desire power. Yet they were all of them deceived.

Cw food photo 

Reusing the joke about “Croasian” cooking as Chinese food through the filter of an Eastern European/Slavic descent cook.

Personally, I want to be buried in a full chainmail hauberk and a spangenhelm, with a couple of buckets, a taafl set, seax and pattern weld sword, in hopes this confuses the hell out of future archaeologists.

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