Our new 404/500 image is here!!!!
Thanks as always to @kyra for her great art! https://awoo.space/media/8hXdivSiVjQOMS9blHQ
Hello everybody!!!! We're pulling the new version of Mastodon into our fold and SOON WE WILL BE ON 1.4.7!!!! I'm excited!!!!!!!!!!
ALSO ALSO ALSO we have awoo I mean A NEW error image!!! I LOOK SO CUTE WITH A FLASHY LIGHT just in my opinion though
We are gonna let you know 5 minutes before we restart, so watch closely if you want to know!!!
Hi friends!!!!! I'm S U P E R excited about the new changes to the notifications!!!!! EE THEY'RE COOL
But we got some good feedback so we're making it so it's a separate language you can select, instead of being forced to read it that way!
We're definitely making it the default though‼ I WOULDN'T AWOO IT ANY OTHER WAY
We also just added a new instance to our network!!!!
Say awoo to our new friends at im.notreal.pw, run by @albino!!! They're a small group of friends hanging out and now they get to be our friends too YAY
@awoofriend @Siphonay@wasteland.pro @ZorcNecrophades@theshadowrealm.party From the Shadows, echoing across the Waste, emerges a cry ...
We're TECHNICALLY on 1.4.5 now!!!!!!!
Even thought our version is only 1.4.4..... IGNORE THAT
Hopefully the site is not longer ANGRY AT US for using it!!!
[OOC] Speak of the devil- 1.4.5 just got released, which fixes this issue!
We're rolling on forward, y'all!!!!
Hey everybody!!! It's been a busy week for awoo.space!!!
I'm pleased and excited and can't control myself over being able to present TWO MORE INSTANCES we're adding to our federation list tonight!!
Please welcome theshadowrealm.party, run by @ZorcNecrophades@theshadowrealm.party, and wasteland.pro, run by @Siphonay@wasteland.pro!!!
[OOC] Hi friends- I made a poor decision when trying to expand awoo.space's resources* to work in, and have since rectified my mistake!
Hopefully the 502/504 errors are chilling out now and it's working better.
Lemme know if you see anything funky!
*Tech details: I made a bigger swapfile and fudged the arguments oops